I have to apologize for not updating the blog. To
be honest, I have been thinking about how to writ this blog for a while, this
is my first time writing a blog. I have decided to share my thoughts, my
perception of HK, HKUST, and my study aboard experiences.
About the school (HKUST)
UST is a nice school; there are many facilities we
can use. Around the dormitory there is a huge soccer field, and running track
around the field. I heard from one of my local friends that some one donated
millions of HK dollars to build this one. Another cool thing is that the school
has a gym, it is not big but enough for me. School also has indoor and outdoor
swimming pools, basketball court indoor and outdoor ones as well. School has
medical center, art center, and big library. It is a nice school.
The food in the cafeteria is not bad, but small
portion. The price is a lot cheaper than outside. Another interesting thing is
that HK local students often stay up very late, and when the weekends coming,
the school becomes so quiet, local students often go back home during weekends.
So only international students, Mainland China students, and exchange students
in the school on the weekends. The school is very crowded, especially when the
time one class end and another class about to begin, the stairway is always
full of student rush to other classroom.
Another interesting thing, HK university often has
many societies (Clubs), new school year they would promote their society, they
work super hard and to my opinion, there are lots of interesting and creative
marketing ideas going on. They would think so many unique ideas to decorate
their counters. I am sorry I do not have pictures to show; I will try to find
Here is a link
They are promoting their society, each society has
a song or slogan, certain hours in the school is the promotion period, every
society will promotion their slogan just like the one in the video, it was
super loud.
About HK:
The school arranged several trips for all the
exchange students to explore HK culture. I had the chance to see some very old
local temples, tasted the local food in some village, and saw the city part of
HK. HK is combined with old traditional areas and areas with newly constructed
road and building. I more prefer the traditional part of HK. Because I do not
like taking photos, so I have no pictures to show you. Sorry!
HK is very fast paced, you can tell from the MTR
station and the street. I wen to Mong Kok and my perception was small street
full of people. It was extremely crowded. HK is humid, you sweet a lot. My
friend told me the coldest time is December, When I got here was already
February. It was a lot warmer than I expected.
I think people in HK are nice, even though they do
not look warmhearted. If you ask for help, they will try to help you. This is a
lot better than Mainland China.
I have not yet explored the full HK culture,
so I will stop here.
About study aboard:
I would suggest if there is chance, come out and
see the world. Everything you perceived will become part of you eventually. You
will meet many new friends; it is a great chance to network. Most the exchange
students are from Europe, which is a different culture too. More importantly, I
think people tend to think more when they are alone. What I mean by
"alone" is away from family, from friends, from the comfort zone.
When you think more, you will figure something out. Something like what you
really want to do in the future? Or small thing like how to manage your time
and money more efficiently.
I think the most important is you are constantly
exploring and maximizing your abilities, building your confidence. The more you
achieve, you better person and newer person you are. If you are looking for
perfect yourself, this definitely is part of the journey highly
Of course, it is not easy to be "alone".
You have to deal with your emotion first, I thought that I will not feel
homesick, but when you are alone in the dormitory, your roommate had gone home
for the weekends, you begin to feel homesick. Also many things are so different
from where you were, things going out of the way from what you expected, you
will have to manage and control the changes. It is a process, definitely you
will grow a lot, but there are huge challenges waiting for you. The important
thing is if you know the reason of doing something, about how to achieve it
become clear.
It feels like has been a long time since I left Hawaii,
oddly at same time it feels like it was just yesterday!
More posts will be up, sorry for the grammar